Citation9, Citation10 As a result, it is clear that self-forgiveness may be an important personality strength, particularly when the subject receives negative feedback after putting effort into their work or applies self-judgment after making a mistake. Citation4 – Citation8 For example, it appears that individuals with constant exposure to stressful situations, such as care workers, are at an increased risk of burnout, compassion fatigue, and secondary traumatic stress. Citation1 – Citation3 Research has shown that higher levels of self-forgiveness are related to biopsychosocial well-being, and more significantly, serve as a shield against several disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. It appears that self-forgiveness, along with several other mental health correlates in different societies, has a strong predictive power for psychological well-being. Over the past decade, the amount of research and understanding of self-forgiveness has grown exponentially.